Wednesday, 3 March 2010

A Blind Call

A Blind Call is one of the smartest social campaigns taking advantage of technology I've ever seen. How often do you forget to lock your mobile phone keypad and you unknowingly start making calls to your friends Alice, Anna or Andrew? And how much money have you lost with such unwanted calls? Think about it. Wouldn't it be better to give such money to charity?

And here comes the great idea by Guillaume Duval: first to create a special number that when is dialed donates to costs of the call to a charity organization for blind people, and then to recommend to people in Belgium to save such number as "A blind call" in order to be the first name in their phone book.

The site to support the idea is extremely simple, but think about it, the idea is so smart and strong that there isn't much else to say to convince people.

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